Purpose of the program
System requirements
Glossary of Terms
How to use the program:
(Please read)
Lenticular sheet type
Image type
Loading images
Output image settings (image size, resolution, alignment marks, type, arrangement)
Output image settings (interpolation and canvas rotation)
Print image
Animated GIF creation
Pitch Test
Two-flip image (settings)
3D image (settings)
Printing in Photoshop
Resulting file size limitation
Printing in Photoshop
In some cases, it may be useful to apply the sharpen filter (Filter -> Sharpen -> Sharpen)
before the printing.
The result of printing with lanscape orientation may differ from the printing with portrait orientation.
Compare prints with rotation one non-rotated before printing and another rotated 90 degrees before printing and
choose the better print.
Remember Inkjet Printers are most accurate when printing across the page left-to-right or right-to-left. The print
head moves in this direction and lays down ink drops (inkjet printers) at a resolution called Dots-Per-Inch (DPI).
The paper itself moves through the printer less precisely as the stepper motor feeding the paper through the Printer
is not as accurate or finely controlled as the print head movement.
This is the reason that Printer manufacturers declare their printers with 2 values for dpi resolutions: 2400x1200
for example.
The higher number represents the dpi capability across the paper (the pecision of the print head movement) and
the lower resolution is the precision of the dots down the page due to the control of the motor feeding the page
through the printer.
By considering this when orientating your pictures for use in PhotoProjector to create an interlaced final image
and by using Photoshop afterwards to rotate the final interlaced image 90 degrees before printing or not, you can
determine the optimum arrangement to print your image to work most effectively with your screen.
You may need to experiment a little to learn the best methods for your printer and image.