New! Free program VisualPitchCalc calculates a visual pitch. (44 KB)
Free program Depth Calculator is very suitable for the depth map editing. This program calculates the correspondence between the distance and greyscale level. Author - Sergey Knigin.
Free program Depth Corrector calculates the maximum parallax for the 3D lenticular images. It's very important value for the 3D frames preparing. As for me, I am appreciate very much to the author this program - Sergey Knigin. Up to date I define the maximum parallax experimantally - generate and print the 3D images with different parallaxes. Calculations of this program coincide with my experimental measures. If your 3D image has a very blurring background, you may increase three times the maximum background parallax.
Free program StereoCard Maker Windows XP is the tool for stereoscopic cards creation. It allows batch-processing and various customizations. Multiple stereo cards could be nested on a single paper sheet. (13,4 MB)
Attention: the program could not work without the latest software libraries 2010 from Microsoft. Please, don't forget to download and install them. (4,8 MB)
Free program MultiViewer. This is a software component for other our programs. You can use it as an independent tool to crop a frame set, to shift stereo window, to save a frame set as an animated gif or as a multilayer PSD file, etc. (14 MB)
Attention: the program could not work without the latest software libraries 2010 from Microsoft. Please, don't forget to download and install them. (4,8 MB)
Video tutorials
Free tool Stereobase calculates the camera shift for creating left and rihgt eyes images. (85 KB)
Free tool PitchTest for lenticular sheet testing. (4 MB) French, English
Attention: the program could not work without the latest software libraries 2010 from Microsoft. Please, don't forget to download and install them.
Macintosh version of the free tool PitchTest
(Mac OS X 10.6+, 64-bit) for lenticular sheet testing. (12 MB)
Free 3D and Flip frame sets: